Equal Pay: Implementing the Diagnosis of Equal Remuneration (DER) Tool

Igualdad salarial: Implementando la herramienta de diagnóstico de igualdad de remuneración (DIR)

Equal pay for equal work has been a long-standing issue in the fight for gender equality. Despite the strides made toward gender parity in the workplace, the gender pay gap persists. The diagnosis of the Equal Remuneration (DER) tool is one of the many approaches that aim to address this issue. In this article, we […]

What You Need to Know About ChatGPT for Translation

What you need to know about ChatGPT for translation - winandwinnow

Are you thinking of using ChatGPT for translation? Do you know if Chat GTP is keeping your data safe? Well, the short answer is no, so you should not feed the chatbot any confidential information. The language service industry is evolving rapidly, and there is no denying that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a significant […]

Language: The key to Diversity in Clinical Trial Recruitment

Diversity in Clinical Trial Recruitment

Diversity in Clinical Trial Recruitment is essential for developing new medical treatments and cures. The limited pool of participants in traditional clinical trials can lead to inaccurate and biased results. In this blog post, we will explore the role of language in the recruitment process. Contents Why should you care about diversity in clinical trial […]

Winnow Academy: Un CV efectivo y de impacto

Winnow Academy: Un CV de impacto

Al finalizar este taller, serás capaz de crear un CV efectivo y personalizado, utilizando herramientas y consejos prácticos para destacar su experiencia y habilidades relevantes, y adaptarlo a las necesidades específicas del trabajo al que quieras postular. Actividad gratuita. Cupos limitados. Comprar entradas en Eventbrite Comprar entradas Un CV efectivo y de impacto: Temario Importancia […]

Translation of Sustainability Reports in the European Union

traducción de informes de sostenibilidad

Translation of sustainability reports in the European Union: why it matters and how to comply with the New Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. As the world faces increasing environmental and social challenges, more and more companies are publishing sustainability reports to showcase their commitment to sustainable business practices. These reports provide stakeholders with valuable information on […]

Protocol Amendment Translation: A Short Guide

protocol amendment translation winandwinnow

Protocol amendment translation is a challenging but key service in the life sciences translation field. Amendments are changes or modifications made to documents, specifically, clinical protocols in this case. They are typically made to update, clarify, or revise existing protocols in order to adapt to changing scientific, technological, ethical, or regulatory considerations. Consistency in amendments […]

Intellectual Property Documentation You’ll Need to Translate

Intellectual Property Documentation You’ll Need to Translate

Intellectual Property documentation refers to documents related to creations of the mind that are protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright, and trademarks. This enables inventors to earn recognition or financial benefit from their creations while keeping in mind the wider public interest. A balanced Intellectual Property system aims to foster an environment where […]

Why Website Translation Is a Big Step Towards Growth for SMEs

website translation for SMEs winadnwinnow

Making an effort to invest in website translation can seem like a lot for an SME. But as a global LSP, we understand that in today’s interconnected world, having a multilingual website can open doors to new markets and unlock untapped business opportunities.  So… is it worth the investment? Yes! And in this blog, we […]

Why Hiring An ISO Certified LSP Matters

Wht hiring an ISO Certified LSP matters

When looking for linguistic solutions for your business, do you take into account whether the potential partner is an ISO Certified LSP (Language Service Provider)? As a business owner or manager, you know how important it is to communicate effectively with your clients, partners, and employees around the world. For that, you need accurate and […]

Most Common Life Sciences Translation Services

Most Common Life Sciences Translation Services

Life Sciences is a diverse and interdisciplinary field that encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines; all of them focus on understanding complex living organisms and life processes. This wide industry leads forward-thinking innovations aimed at saving and improving lives. In the midst of increasingly globalized societies, Life Sciences translation services play a key role […]